by Yvette Wynne | Jun 14, 2022 | Playtimes
There’s a certain amount of latitude given by the hosts when visiting, so when I turned up to Parramatta Playtime, I did take full advantage of this fact. All for the good cause of Jesus :). When I’m chatting to people, I ask lots of questions to get to...
by Yvette Wynne | Jun 7, 2022 | Playtimes
SouthCoast Life Church Playtime It’s hard to stress out when you’re surrounded by green slopes and blue skies sprinkled with white puffy clouds! This setting for the Playtime at Berry is matched by the warmth of Sharayah and her team. They meet at 9.30 for...
by Yvette Wynne | Jul 20, 2021 | Playtimes
Linda Mee has started this year heading up the playgroup at Northern Life Baptist Church in Hornsby. They had an amazing facility placed in a prominent position, but if they opened their doors, would the people come? They opted with just a sign for...
by Yvette Wynne | May 18, 2021 | Playtimes
Anna Ranson from The PlayLab, has some great tips for parenting! Check out her website to sign on to this free short video. One of her suggestions is to create pictures for your daily activities, and have the children...
by Yvette Wynne | Apr 27, 2021 | Playtimes
My 28 year old son Liam, mentioned that he visited a new church. When he was there, a random guy came up and said, “I found God through scripture lessons…”They were in the same class at school, my son hadn’t remembered him, but this guy certainly remembered...