Intergenerational Resources & Ideas

Faith communities are one of only a few contexts where every generation is present. This provides a unique opportunity and yet so often all our time as a gathered faith community is spent in segregation of generations. Here you will find resources and ideas that prompt wonderings about what might it look like and how might our life as a faith community be enriched if we were to take some time to intentionally connect generations.

If your faith community wants to explore reimagining ministry with children that connects all generations get in contact we would love to support you, email

Engage All Ages Podcast

Have you wondered what the keys to doing life together might be? If you’re keen to try this whole inter-generational worship thing, then this podcast from Intergenerate Australia & New Zealand is for you.

Intergenerational Ministry what it is and what it isn’t

These two blogs by Christina Embree of Refocus Ministry articulate what intergenerational ministry is and what is isn’t

Australian Resource Hub

An Australian resource for the church working together to see the generations connect. You will find video webinars with some of the leading thinkers in this space alongside links to articles and ideas to get you started.

Intergenerational Values

Values are key drivers in what we do and the effectiveness of any change we might make. This article explores some of the core values in intergenerational ministry

Visioning Tool



This easy-to-use tool helps churches take a picture of current ministries and their inclusion of multiple ages, and create a plan to move toward being an intergenerational church

Intergenerational Preaching

Dave Csinos unpacks the possibilities of Intergenerational Preaching


Intergenerational Ministry and the family

By Kara Jenkins

This article is helpful for leadership group considering moving towards a more intergenerational church

Should Kids Be Included in the Weekly Worship Service?


Welcoming Families

Even churches who do not regularly have kids attending will have children visit at some point in time.  Here are some ideas for resources you can have ready to go to welcome children and families into your church.

Welcoming Families

Worship Service Notes for Kids

This is a simple booklet you can print for children to help them engage with your worship service.

Kids Service Notes PDF

Tell me about God

by Elizabeth Ward

Contains 26 Outlines – An A to Z look at the Attributes of God. Tried and tested for children & intergenerational groups. See here.

All Age Gathering Resources

by Scripture Union

  The Explore Together Resource Book contains 12 ready-to-use sessions on a variety of themes, including salt and light, Easter and God the Creator.

Please note this is a paperback resource from Scripture Union UK. However they do have individual sessions available for purchase as downloadable files

Ideas For Passing Faith To The Next Generation

Kids benefit from having input from people of all ages. God’s plan is that the whole community is involved in passing on the faith to the younger generation (Deuteronomy 6). Here are some ideas to help you do that in your church. Make sure that when you encourage sharing of experiences and interests, you encourage sharing of ‘God things’ as well.

Ideas for Passing on Faith to the next Generation


Intergenerational Christian Formation

“One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:4.

 Most churches and faith communities segregate their ministries by age and generation. This has not always been the case and may not be best for life long faith.  In this comprehensive text, Holly Allen and Christine Ross offer a complete framework for intentional intergenerational Christian formation.

 They provide the theoretical foundations for intergenerationality, showing how learning and spiritual formation are better accomplished through intergenerational contexts.

  Discover the riches of intergenerational ministry, and let all generations commend the works of God to one another.


 by Tammy Preston A great book exploring intergenerational ministry.

Ministry to children within a healthy intergenerational community can be incredibly transformational, not only to the child, but also the family and the wider community. If we are going to impact the next generation for God, we need to be as deliberately strategic and mission-minded as Jesus was when he walked this earth. This book challenges us to create environments where generations collide.

Helping Our Children Grow in Faith

by Robert Keely Helping Our Children grow in Faith.

Learn about integrating kids into congregational worship, distinguishing between faith and moral development, teaching the Bible, and more.